decembrie 02, 2024

Am lansat Stories for Vlad: Volume 2 - Stories for children and parents


Do you want to enjoy the silence in the car and at home? Well, try the stories in the series "Stories for Vlad"

In this volume:

Pic and Miron on the 'great adventure' - the tomcats go to the forest and return hungry and scared at home after a series of adventures;
Tarzanica and the Walnut Tree - the puppy helps a small walnut tree to get out from under a pile of twigs;
The Walnut Tree and the Beetle - the disappointment of the walnut tree that loses its leaves for the first time;
The Beetle and Winter - the dream of a small green beetle;
Pic Locked in the Cellar - the adventure of the curious cat who remains locked in the cellar;
Pic, Miron and the New Kitten - in the grandparents' house there is a new kitten that Pic treats at first as a competitor.

I invite you to find other stories in the series.

#audiostories #povestipentruvlad #geomihalache

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